martes, 21 de marzo de 2017


When the smell of orange blossom invades the city of Córdoba, Holy Week is approaching with brotherhoods walking along the streets with their courtship and their images. These days, the city is visited by tourists who discover and admire the float  ("pasos") with their images walking slowly along  narrow and charming  streets. The Holy Week in Cordoba offers you art( images and sculptures of great valueand beauty), as same as devotion and music with an incomparable ambience.

If you want to visit the city these days, keep in mind that  this year ,the official itinerary (it is a place where the brotherhoods have to pass obligatorily)has been changed and will be around the Cathedral.The brotherhoods will pass through these  streets that sourround this  area, making  you fe admiration and a real delight. If you want to enjoy the processions in a comfortable way ,chairs will be at your disposal along the itinerary .

The official itinerary begins at the Bridge Gate.The floats will continue through Torrijos, accessing the Patio de los Naranjos through the door of forgiveness, and then they will enter the inside of the temple through the Gate of the Palms and leaving by the same access. After this, the procession will head towards the Puerta de Santa Catalina and then continue down the street Magistral González Francés, ending at the junction with Cardenal González.

37 brotherhoods go out in Cordoba during Holy Week, some of them  with centuries  of history. One of the most devoted image of  The Virgin of Dolores which has a large number of penitents and devotees. It leaves Good Friday from the Hospital Church of San Jacinto (Los Dolores) and also it is possible to visite her to the church  on Friday of Dolores ,just two days before Palm Sunday.The Rescatado Christ goes out to the streets on Palm Sunday from the church of Nuestra Señora de Gracia. Nuestra Señora de las Angustias that process on  Holy Thursday from the church of San Agustín and Nuestra Señora de la Paz y Esperanza that process on Holy Wednesday from the church of the Capuchin convent of the Holy Angel. All the brotherhoods have their devotees who these days go out to the street accompanying their images.

Entrance to the Lent, different brotherhoods around their different churches take their Christs in viacrucis: like the one of the Christ of the Clemencia (Brotherhood of Dolores) whose route is Place of capuchinos, Bailio, Carbonell and Morand, Plaza Cardenal  Toledo, Obispo Fitero, Conde de Torres Cabrera, San Zoilo, San Miguel, interior Parish San Miguel, Ramirez de Arellano, Osario, Burell, Plaza de las Doblas and Plaza de Capuchinos . The Christ  de las Penas, its route includes the neighborhoods of San Andrés and Santa Marina. On Friday of Dolores many brotherhoods carry their Christs as in the case of the Brotherhood of Agunstias with their Virgin of Angustias that crosses the square of St. Augustine, the brotherhood of the Cister (La Sangre) that processes  its  Christ de la Sangre around The Plaza de Capuchinos and the Brotherhood of the  Passion that carry their Christ of the Passion through the Barrio de San Basilio.

Holy Week in Córdoba will make you feel immersed in a religious feeling, that will transport you to centuries of history ago, admiring its proccessions and exploring its streets.

Image of the title of Victor Gonzalez Felices.
Image of the Christ of the Sangre of Ávaro Córdoba.
Other images extracted from Pinterest

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